Application Process
Step 1: Complete
Contact Admissions form
Step 2: Pre-Interview
Step 3: Review Tuition &
Payment Policies
Step 4: Schedule a Visit
Call Admissions:
Students under 21
Hope Academy is a faith-based fully accredited private school committed to helping our students develop academically, socially, and spiritually. Our goal is for each student to graduate with a high school diploma and a vision for their life beyone high school. Our technology-driven, teacher facillitated, and student-centered learning model works well for students that want to fast-track their education. We will prepare you for Life and the World of Work beyond highshool!
We serve 9th – 12th grade (with no upper age limit). Our education program offers a pathway to an accredited high school diploma (not GED). Any student who desires an amazing chance to fulfill their high school educational needs, may fill out the form below and
take an important step toward a brighter future!
Ready for Life and Ready to Work
Students & Parents
The world of education is evolving and we know students needs are diverse that's why we offer:
After you fill out the pre-application form below,
we will be in contact.
Inquiry and Pre-Application Form
Online & Blended Options